dance bootcamp

Choreo intensives

Our purpose is to offer Dance Bootcamps, that will help improve your skills set. These classes are the best way  to practice, have fun, learn how to perform and prepare you for stage. 

Just Baila!

Salsa Bootcamp

Performance (Optional) 

Baila en SKY 

Latin Party (Chapel Hill, NC)


I do hereby consent to my participation in Baila Beats Academy. I acknowledge that participation in this dance workshop may expose me to the possibility of injury. I grant Baila Beats Academy and/or dance venue staff the authority to obtain emergency medical treatment as necessary to insure that I am safe from further injury. In consideration of "Baila Beats Academy" allowing me to participate in its dance workshop, I agree to waive and release "Baila Beats Academy®" from all claims for damages that may arise, other than by negligence of "Baila Beats Academy®", its employees and agents, as a result of my participation in its dance workshop. I am aware that I may appear in a photograph, or video, taken by dance workshop staff or local media and that photograph or video may appear in a variety of media sources on behalf of "Baila Beats Academy". Please note, that under no circumstances will "Baila Beats Academy ®" divulge your name without express written permission
This purchase is Non-refundable.

                        © 2025 All Rights Reserved to Baila Beats Academy