Wellness Program

Saturday May 21st, 2022
11:00am -1:00 pm 
Please provide full address if you wish to receive a care package. (Only Cancer patients & survivors)
Donations are used to cover care packages for cancer patients & survivors.
I will be accepting and respectful to everyone who is participating in class.
Please let us know if there are any concerns or health restrictions we need to be aware of.
I do hereby consent to my participation in Baila Beats Academy. I acknowledge that participation in this dance workshop may expose me to the possibility of injury. I grant Baila Beats Academy and/or dance venue staff the authority to obtain emergency medical treatment as necessary to insure that I am safe from further injury. In consideration of “Baila Beats Academy” allowing me to participate in its dance workshop, I agree to waive and release “Baila Beats Academy®” from all claims for damages that may arise, other than by negligence of “Baila Beats Academy®”, its employees and agents, as a result of my participation in its dance workshop. I am aware that I may appear in a photograph, or video, taken by dance workshop staff or local media and that photograph or video may appear in a variety of media sources on behalf of “Baila Beats Academy”. Please note, that under no circumstances will “Baila Beats Academy ®” divulge your name without express written permission

© 2022 All Rights Reserved to Baila Beats Academy