DIRECTOR- triangle nc
Lulu is a certified Salsa Dance Instructor dance 2019. She loves salsa because it makes her feel happy and free. She is a true believer of equality and loves to integrate everyone wherever she goes. She believes in the power of healing through dance, creating, and innovating but at the same time connecting the old with the new. Lulu is the founder and the director of Baila Beats Academy.
Instructor |
Jennifer is a certified Wellness Coach with a concentration in Gut Health, a Yoga Instructor and a Chef for private events. She belives that movement is an important part of removing blockages. As the mind and body become aligned though motion, it leads to clarity and growth. Movement also connects to her passions outside of work through dance. She enjoys Latin dance, teaches beginner/intermediate bachata classes.
Jennifer is a certified Wellness Coach with a concentration in Gut Health, a Yoga Instructor and a Chef for private events. She belives that movement is an important part of removing blockages. As the mind and body become aligned though motion, it leads to clarity and growth. Movement also connects to her passions outside of work through dance. She enjoys Latin dance, teaches beginner/intermediate bachata classes.
Wellness coach |
EvaCristina is a Heartmath Certified Coach since 2016 and continue to be a part of the ongoing community of learning and practicing. She looks forward to helping people through meditation to find their balance mind-heart.
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